How to Become an Accountant – the Complete Guide

by Rich DeMatteo on July 17, 2017

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Do you have a head for numbers? Do you enjoy placing data and information in a logical order? Do you have an inquisitive mind? Do you have the ability to spot financial wrong-doing and fraud?

Being an accountant is not just about submitting self-assessment tax returns on behalf of private individuals and companies. Accountancy is a fast-paced, dynamic industry with the skills of an accountant being more in demand than ever.

The role of the accountant has changed over the years. As well as compiling accounts and financial statements, an accountant also ensures that businesses and companies comply with the ever-changing and complex financial laws and regulations.

Although paying a large amount of tax is no one’s favourite way to spend money, the number of companies avoiding tax completely has placed more onus and pressure on accountants to come up with a fair means of paying a fair amount of tax whilst limiting tax liabilities.

But there are cases of fraud too, that are wide and complex and a forensic accountant is a skilled professional that traces all these tentacles of fraud from their origin to the final destination.

But, do you have what it takes?

From an accountant running your own practice to a chartered accountant specialising in tax matters or fraud, as an accountant, you will need a raft of skills and abilities.

Some of these are your personality – your ability to concentrate for long periods, understanding basic numeracy and how figures stack together – as well as learned skills and attributes, such as understanding accounting regulations and guidelines.

The comprehensive guide ‘How to Become an Accountant’ covers everything you need to know from how to get started to the qualifications that accredit your learning so that you can go on to explore the accountancy career route that appeals to you.

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