How to Create the Most Efficient Workspace Possible

by Rich DeMatteo on March 8, 2018

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If you’re like many Americans, you spend more time at work than at any other place. In fact, the average American spends nearly nine hours at work each day. However, many people are only productive for less than half of that time. Too many meetings, poor communication about tasks, and outdated technologies are a few of the reasons why many people have trouble getting their work done on a daily basis.

The good news is that you can find plenty of great ways to help improve your productivity. Enhancing your workspace with personal touches can help keep you inspired, focus your attention on your work, and increase your productivity. Explore the following creative ideas for how to create the most efficient workspace possible.

Organize Your Clutter

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Image via Flickr by Rubbermaid Products

How many times have you lost your pen or wished you could find a sticky note to quickly jot down your ideas? Sometimes, you can easily lose items in the clutter on your desk. When items aren’t well organized, you’ll face difficulties staying focused on any one item because everything vies for your attention. Reorganizing your workspace can help get you on track to becoming more productive.

Start by removing everything from your desk. As you do, think about how each item serves you and if you need it. Keep only the materials that matter most. As you bring items back into your workspace, try to create a flow. Put the items you use most often in the drawers closest to you, for example.

Other great tips for keeping your space organized include using a cable hose or cord cover to tame your wires, putting your pens in a mug on your desktop, using magnets and a pegboard to hang objects on your walls, and hiding odds and ends in decorative boxes.

Get the Correct Gadgets

A slow internet connection, old-school telephone system, or an outdated computer can hold you back from getting your work done. Having the technology you need to do your job well can boost productivity and keep you focused on your daily tasks.

Something as simple as a new tablet or smartphone can make a large difference on your day. Having the right device allows you to communicate with your co-workers through email and text, schedule your day using calendar apps, and share notes through cloud computing.

Think about features of a new smartphone, such as desirable business Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus specs, that can help make you more efficient in the workplace. With this Samsung phone, you can maximize the view of your calendar thanks to its edge-to-edge expansive screen display.

Add Inspirational Decor

Think of your workspace as your personal art gallery. Decorate your desk and walls with pictures and items that help get your creative juices flowing. Put a few motivational posters on your walls and frame pictures of your family and friends to place on your desk. You can add sparkle to your life by bedazzling your scissors and stapler.

Looking at a cute and quirky desktop sitter or a tape dispenser in a funky shape can help bring a smile to your face throughout the day. For an added giggle, use notepads with funny sayings on each page.

Use Proper Lighting

Improper lighting has a big impact on the way we work. It causes strain on our eyes, which can result in headaches and poor eye health. All these issues lead to reduced productivity and can put you in a bad mood. Understanding that different tasks require different types of light is an important part of creating an efficient workspace.

Working on a computer requires minimal amounts of light, while other tasks may require brighter lighting. When possible, open the curtains and let natural light flow in through your windows. Replacing flickering fluorescent bulbs and reducing shadows by using overhead lights are other ways to improve lighting conditions.

In addition to being overloaded with assignments, distractions such as a disorganized desk and outdated technology can draw your attention away from your daily tasks. As a result, you may feel like you are sinking beneath an endless pile of assignments you can never complete. If you’re looking for ways to improve your productivity, try the ideas above for how to create the most efficient workspace possible.


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