How To Get That Office Job Of Your Dreams

by Rich DeMatteo on September 27, 2017

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Pexels Image Source: Office picture


So you’re looking for that dream office job, whether that be as a receptionist, a data entry clerk, or a human resources consultant – they all tend to fall into the same category. While people don’t expect an office job to be difficult because it is viewed as being a role where you have the joys of sitting down all day – this absolutely isn’t the case. People that work in an office are required to stay focused and productive all throughout the day, while working as a team and supporting each other throughout, and that’s what makes it so fantastic.

So here’s how to bag you the job.

Dress to impress

When preparing for an interview, you should always be dressing smart and looking clean and presentable. Would you hire anyone that turned up for an interview in some baseball shorts, a tank top, and some smelly old sneakers? Even if this is what you usually wear – there’s nothing wrong with it in your personal life – but it’s absolutely not appropriate when trying to bag yourself a job.

Have the qualification to back it up

It’s no good looking the part if you don’t have any of the paperwork to back it up. While not every single job requires someone to have experience, employers are always more interested in people who have the qualifications, rather than someone who has never done anything like this before. So get yourself in some courses like Master of Human Resource Management and soak in as much information as you can – it’ll all be worth it.

Computer literate

If you aren’t computer literate, you’re going to have an extremely hard time navigating your way around the tasks. For a role in an office, you should be familiar with all the different word documents as well as common knowledge on how to surf the web. You may be asked to do some market research online one day – how will you even know where to begin if you have no idea how to even turn on the computer?

Excellent telephone manner

You will most likely be expected to answers phones and speak with various people whether that be customers, business partners, clients, and investors, so it’s essential that you know how to conduct yourself properly over the phone. You should make your voice one that is very accommodating and friendly. If a customer has called up enquiring about a product, you should be making them feel as comfortable as possible, along with giving them the best customer service you can.

Kind person to be around

Let’s put it this way; no one is going to want you to be part of the team if you’re a miserable person that is constantly complaining all the time. It only takes a single individual to come in and kill the atmosphere totally for everyone. So be that positive employee that is always willing to work as hard as possible and deliver the best results for the business.

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