How To Quickly Find A Graduate Job Post-University

by Rich DeMatteo on March 31, 2016 · 1 comment

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Considering the record number of people now attending university, many students will find them in the job hunt situation. It can be very tricky to find a job that matches your finely tuned university skillset, which likely relies on a niche market. Niches are niches for a reason, and zoning in on a position you’ll be good at is incredibly tough.

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From Wiki Commons


So, as a graduate, what can you do to help yourself find a job a bit quicker? Of course, you should be doing a ton of stuff while you’re still in education, but what about when you leave? Then, the real challenge begins.


Don’t look to build a career straightaway; look to get work


Most people’s first job will not be their defining one. While it’s true you should be looking at all the long-term perks of a particular job, don’t let a lack of them get in the way. If a job matches the industry you value but has limited room for growth, take it anyway. The experience alone will prove useful. And hey, taking that job would be better than continuously job-seeking, wouldn’t it?


Focus some attention on your web presence


More and more employers are turning to the likes of LinkedIn to find ideal job candidates. This means that if you’re not on them, you’re missing out on a wealth of opportunities. LinkedIn allows you to set up an online CV, a display of all your achievements and skills in one handy place. While it’s not a guarantee of a job, this opens you up to the dozens of different employers who will be browsing the web for talent.


Sign up with an agency


You will probably need help in that job search of yours, and luckily, help is at hand. A graduate jobs agency can tailor jobs to your particular skillset. This can take a weight off your shoulders; rather than pouring all your energy into an exhausting job search, a company can handle it for you. The same is true of any job search provider. You can sit back, relax and watch the job offers fly into your inbox. Simple!


Focus on one particular career or area, that matches your skills


It can be easy to take every single offer you have thrown at you, regardless of whether it relates to your field or not. There’s a saying that work is work, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be valuable to you. If you have just finished university, you’ll possess a particular skillset and expertise in one area. This is the area that will get you hired, so focus on it.


Don’t always aim at the top, either. Everybody has to start from somewhere, so find an entry-level position. You can then use your knowledge to rise through the ranks, and you’ll be able to do so quickly because well, this is what you studied for!


If finding a job was easy, there’d be no such thing as unemployment. As it is, even the most qualified of candidates – namely, students with degrees – can find it tough. Hopefully, you’re focused, motivated and driven to succeed. That’s the key to any successful career.

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