Reaching Your “Goals” With Video Resumes

by Rich DeMatteo on March 3, 2010 · 27 comments

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Every once in a while, I see someone who is introducing innovation into their job hunt.  Yesterday I received a message on Twitter from Brian Mosely (@bmose14), asking me to review a new video he created for his job search.  His short, 3 minute video brings a unique approach to gaining exposure and ensuring his name isn’t lost in a stack of resumes.  I’m not sure you can technically call his creation a video resume, but it is the perfect supplement to his paper submission.

Like me, Brian is a complete hockey nut.  We’ve both played and coached hockey (although Brian is more advanced in those areas than I am), and are religious NHL fans.  His goal is to land a job in hockey, working for a sports team in some capacity.  When you watch Brian’s clip below, you’ll clearly see he has experience and most importantly, PASSION for the sport.  Maybe it’s just my love for hockey, but this video gave me the chills.

What are your thoughts on videos to send in with you resume?

Have you created, or used a video resume?

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