The Power of Positivity When Job Hunting

by Rich DeMatteo on August 31, 2017

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Job hunting is stressful enough when you’re already gainfully employed or undergoing a period of education or retraining for a new career. If you’re out for work having been fired or laid off by your previous employer, however, then it can be a crippling blow to your already damaged self esteem. Being out of work is anathema for your mental health. It is not just the loss of a monthly wage, it’s the loss of stability, routine and a sense of purpose and self, especially if you’ve lost a job but was more than just a job to you but a valued career.

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Image by Pixabay

When out of work, it can be hard to function properly without the sense of routine provided by work. It’s easy to fall into bouts of inactivity and depression in which all you can do is get out of bed in the morning. Loss of income can also make getting from one day to the next painfully difficult which can only further erode your self-esteem.

As difficult as it sounds, it’s important to stay positive. You’re far more likely to come across favorably to prospective employers if you have a positive, confident outlook. This can be easier said than done, when you’re feeling depressed, worthless and lacking in purpose. There are, however, some simple yet powerful ways in which you can help yourself.  

Get up early

There are numerous health benefits to an early start, though getting up early in the morning can have a positive effect on your mental health and get your day off to a positive start.  Many struggle to get up early when they don’t have a job to get up for so it’s important to give yourself another incentive to get up early. Try a brisk walk or jog (to start your day with a rush of endorphins) and a hearty breakfast and you’re likely to feel a whole lot better about the day ahead.

Make daily affirmations

Low mood and poor self-esteem are the enemy of the job hunter. They make us less likely to apply for jobs that we believe we’re unworthy of and prevent us from giving applications and interviews our all. Daily affirmations are positive statements that you tell yourself every day to realign your perception of yourself. They can reconfigure your mind to think of yourself in more positive terms so that you’re at your best and most confident when you approach prospective employers.

Look after yourself

We’re vulnerable when out of work and it’s important that despite not having to go to work, we look after ourselves. Start every day with your usual hygiene and beauty routine. Get regular exercise and eat right. These things will help you to feel more like you and help to maintain your sense of self-worth.

Reward yourself for small victories

In a fast paced globalized job market, any achievement from securing an interview to a positive telephone interaction should be rewarded. Every step you take towards getting a new job is an achievement and should be treated as such. Find a way to reward yourself, even if it’s just with a half hour break from job hunting, a video game or TV break or a special snack.

By maintaining a schedule and a positive attitude you’ll mitigate the psychological effects of job hunting and ensure that you remain at your best.

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