Interview Tips

Interview Tip: Don’t forget hygiene (Contest winners announced in post!)

(Towards the bottom of this post you’ll find details for a contest, prizes included) Winners Announced at the bottom! Basic hygiene means taking showers daily, coating our underarms with deodorant, and spraying nice smelling cologne or perfume on our body (even if you are still using Cool Water).  Keeping oneself well groomed, with freshly brushed teeth and […]

October 22, 2009 37 comments READ MORE →

How to prepare for illegal interview questions

While I believe ample time should be spent practicing popular interview questions, it’s also smart to know which questions are illegal and should never be asked.  Well trained HR folks have been brain washed into knowing every painful legality of interviewing, and pass that information over to hiring managers.  Sadly, some hiring managers just don’t […]

August 20, 2009 4 comments READ MORE →

6 Tips to Overcome Interview Fear

Preparation in interviewing is absolutely crucial to your success as a candidate, and even those not experiencing fear should always prepare.  Click here to read up on interview preparation.  As an interviewer, I’ve worked with many candidates who have a fear of interviewing, some worse than others.  This is very common in people, possibly stemming […]

August 11, 2009 1 comment READ MORE →

Cold, cruel, and hilarious interview prank from Monty Python (video clip)

Don’t want to give anything away, but I’ve actually heard horror stories from job seekers that mildly resemble the below interview clip from Monty Python.  This scene is gold, 18 kernels of pure gold.  Enjoy.

August 8, 2009 READ MORE →

Poll Of The Week #2: How many hours do you spend preparing for an interview?

Thanks to those for voting in this weeks poll!  COTJ asked readers to share how many hours they spend preparing for an interview, here’s how it went: First Place:  64%  0-1 Second Place: 27%  1-2 Third Place: 9% 2+ Candidates should always spend at least one hour preparing for an interview.  In my opinion, preparation builds […]

July 27, 2009 2 comments READ MORE →

Poll Of The Week #1: How to answer, what is your biggest weakness?

Wonderful, the results are in!  Thanks to those for voting on our very first Poll of the Week!  COTJ fans were given three incredibly exciting topics and needed to pick which one they most wanted to learn about.  In the end, our results went like this: First Place:  64%  “How to answer the question, What is your biggest weakness?” […]

July 20, 2009 READ MORE →

Never interview like Will Ferrell in Step Brothers…

While certainly hilarious, this short clip from Step Brothers teaches us exactly how not to interview.  Below you’ll find the link to quite arguably the funniest scene in Step Brothers.  Watch as Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly tag team the interview, then come back for my take: What have we learned: The interview is […]

July 16, 2009 3 comments READ MORE →

How to respond to questions regarding being fired

Everything is going just peachy.  Not only have you answered every question with confidence, but your answers have shown you are more than qualified for the opening.  However, this confidence only grows in you once answering another question successfully.  Before each new question your leg shakes under the table in anticipation for the question that […]

July 16, 2009 11 comments READ MORE →

Why interviewing is like dating…

The obvious goal of dating and interviewing is to make match.  A match that meets the interests, and needs of both sides of the relationship.  Quickly, I’ll take a look at each step of the hiring process, and make an attempt to point out how its not unlike dating…to a certain extent.  Don’t take it […]

July 15, 2009 14 comments READ MORE →

How to survive a Behavioral Interview

The use of Behavioral Interviewing (BI) in company recruiting strategies is on the rise.  It’s use in the overall interview strategy varies.  While some organizations use the BI process for each skill set being tested, many organizations spread a few of these detail oriented, open-ended questions throughout the interview.  A well trained interviewer should know […]

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July 14, 2009 20 comments READ MORE →