Does Your LinkedIn Network Make You Feel Limitless? Mine Does

by Rich DeMatteo on August 19, 2011 · 5 comments

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I love LinkedIn.  But I also love putting work into LinkedIn.

The bold should tell you that the second sentence is far more important.  Unfortunately, far too many job seekers complain that LinkedIn hasn’t worked for them, so they end up failing to put in the proper work/time that building a LinkedIn network requires.

Sure, LinkedIn can be a short term solution to your job search, but it’s far more powerful when you consistently build up your network, and use it as a career tool.  Don’t mistake career tool, for job search tool.   When you have more connections in your network, the possibilities have you feeling more and more like Bradley Cooper in that movie Limitless.  A massive amount of connections gives you the power to connect with almost anyone, from any company, and from any location.  Limitless.  Oh, and a big shout out to Philly native, Bradley Cooper.

Connect.  Connect. Connect. Connect. Connect.
Then connect some more.

If any of this is new to you, I do believe that I covered much of the basics, and then some in my Ultimate Beginners Guide to LinkedIn.  Read it.

I am certainly not bragging by showing you the following screen shot of my network connections, but you’ll see that my LinkedIn statistics do give me the luxury of connecting with a fairly large amount of people.  Over 16 million to be exact.  Still, I do know many folks (mostly recruiters) who have a much larger network than I have.  Take a look at the shot:

Just by having a direct connection to 2,000+ people, I’m able to get in touch with and contact some 16 million people.  Hell yes.

Are you ready to start committing to your LinkedIn network?  


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