3 Important Tips for your Resume and CV

by Rich DeMatteo on September 30, 2013

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The way we recruit has changed drastically over the past five years, not only because of the way we’re competing for jobs but because of the technology we have at our disposal. The changing environment in which we are working has led to a changed pattern in the length of time we are employed for and what’s important on our CV’s

G2 Recruitment, a leading recruitment agency based within the UK, guides you through the new recruitment landscape and how your CV should look to fit in.

So, what is important to include in your CV? G2 have broken it down in to three simple areas:

1. Detail your experience

Whether you’ve had one job or tens of jobs, your next employer wants to know what experience you have gained from them. If you’ve had just one job; list all of your responsibilities within this position, the experience you have gained within the role, how you have contributed and what you’ve learnt.

It’s now becoming increasingly common for people to have over five job roles on their CV. This doesn’t mean you’re indecisive or that you’ve struggled to hold on to a job. The world is a fast moving place, much more so than it used to be, people get bored easily and want to gain experience in different areas. If you’ve had a number of positions, list the most relevant for the job role you’re applying for. Detail what experience you’ve gained via these positions and how it will contribute to your desired position.

It doesn’t have to be paid jobs listed on your CV – volunteer work counts as valuable experience, especially if it’s with a credible organisation.


2. Fill the gaps

So your CV has a gap or two in between jobs? This could be for a number of reasons; you’ve decided to travel, you took time out with your children, or you wanted to further your education – whatever it was, don’t neglect it on your CV.

It all counts as ‘life experience’ –  if you’re up against another candidate who has a long list of jobs, the experience you have gained from travel, education or being a full time parent can put you one step ahead. For every gap you have on your CV, detail what you were doing within this period – what you gained from the experience, the skills you learnt and how they transfer over to the job role you’re applying for.


3. Share your knowledge

If you’ve graduated from college or university, brilliant, formally list where you received your education and the grades you achieved. For some positions a university education is essential, however not all job roles require a formal education.

You may have attended a short course, a creative writing class or even a first aid course. These all add value to your CV and shouldn’t be overlooked; people feel that short courses sometimes negate a mention – no matter how small the course, it all expands your knowledge and makes you more employable.

CV’s don’t have to be long and complicated – they just have to state the facts and explain clearly why you are fit for the job. Stick to the three simple steps and you’re half way there.


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