The Continual Importance of Learning New Skills

by Rich DeMatteo on November 30, 2017

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When we’re working our way up the corporate ladder or trying to find a new job, there’s a tendency to put all of the focus on the job itself, the duties of that job, and the money we’re making at the time. Sometimes, however, rather than focusing entirely on our career or the job search, it’s good to put some focus on learning new skills.

You might even find that it’s more valuable to stop always looking for a new job, and instead be continually improving your skills.

With all the online resources available at your fingertips you can do everything from learning the secrets of smart day trading to learning how to build websites, often very quickly and inexpensively.

So why is always working on learning new skills so important not only for our lives but also our careers. Why should we look into an advanced degree in nursing education?

You Might Be Looking In the Wrong Places

If you’re already in a career and looking for a new one, or you’re currently not employed, but you’re in a job search, you may be looking in the wrong places.

The people who tend to be the most satisfied and fulfilled with their careers are the individuals who do what they love and also what they’re good at. You may not even know what you’re good at yet, but by exploring new learning opportunities, you might stumble on it.

You may even find that rather than working for someone else, what’s better for you is starting your own business. Regardless, it can be valuable to look at learning new skills as a time of self-discovery and a critical part of having a fulfilling career.

You’ll Be More Valuable In Your Current Position

Sometimes, what’s better than looking for a new job if you feel unfulfilled or like something is lacking in your old one is to look at ways to be more valuable where you are currently.

Maybe instead of launching a new job search, you focus on building your current skills and applying them to the role you’re in now.

Create Multiple Income Sources

If you ask most people who are millionaires right now how they got there, they’re going to say that they set up multiple income streams early on. There are not a whole lot of people who became wealthy because of their families or because of their genius business idea, but instead, they started from a strong foundation of having money from different sources.

If you learn new skills, you’re more equipped to set up multiple revenue streams, in addition to working at your fulltime position.

Finally, if you are looking for a new job, or want to at any point in the future, the more valuable skills you have, the better. You’ll increase your monetary value to a future employee, you’ll stand out from the competition, and you’ll stay relevant. What a lot of older employees found after the Great Recession was that if they were willing to learn new skills, they fared much better than their counterparts who weren’t keeping up with changes in the marketplace and the workplace

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