5 Big Mistakes That College Students Need To Avoid

by Rich DeMatteo on March 2, 2020

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A college degree can help you get ahead in your career and there are a lot of career paths that you cannot follow unless you have one. That’s why going to college is so beneficial, no matter how old you are. However, college is incredibly expensive and the cost is increasing, so it is a big investment. If you are going to spend all of that money, it is important that you get the most out of it. You want to get the best results possible and learn a lot of life skills along the way, but you can only do that if you approach college in the right way. 

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Unfortunately, college students often make simple mistakes that stop them from getting the best out of their experience and they graduate feeling as though they have wasted their money and they have not improved their job prospects. If you are about to embark on your college journey, it is important that you do not make these common mistakes. 

Cutting Classes 

At the beginning of the semester, it seems like you have plenty of time to get your head around all of the content before you have any exams or assignments to work on, so you might think that you can afford to cut a few classes here and there. The thing is, every class you cut is a missed opportunity to learn from an experienced professor. You might be able to read the same information in books but that is not as effective as having it explained to you during a lecture, and you also don’t get the opportunity to ask questions. 

You also have to consider the financial aspect as well. You are paying for all of these classes so whenever you skip one, that is money down the drain. Unless you have a really good reason, you should never miss out on a class. 

Poor Study Habits 

Attending all of your classes is vital, but you also need to study properly as well, and this is something that a lot of people struggle with. Poor study habits are very common and there are a number of things that people get wrong. Distractions are a big one because we are constantly surrounded by phones and computers and it’s so easy to get distracted and spend an hour scrolling through social media instead of studying. Check out the University of New South Wales study tips to help you learn how to avoid those distractions and get more out of your study sessions. If you can be more productive, you will not need to study for as long, so you can improve your work-life balance. 

Another big problem that people have is studying for too long. They think that if they stay up all night studying, they’ll learn more and get better results. But your brain can only focus for so long and you need to make sure that you have a good sleeping pattern. If you study for too long, nothing will go in. It’s far better to study for shorter periods without those distractions and then give yourself plenty of downtime. 

However, that doesn’t mean that you should spend all of your time going out and having fun and neglecting your study periods. It’s important that you find a clear balance and studying always takes priority. 
Taking On Too Many Classes 

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Poor study habits often come as a result of students loading up on too many classes. They assume that if they take the maximum number of classes every semester, this will look good on job applications when they graduate. However, it won’t look good if you do badly in all of these classes. Employers are also not going to be impressed by sheer numbers, they will be looking for graduates that have taken classes that make sense together and give them necessary job skills. It is a lot more beneficial to take on fewer classes and focus on doing well in those classes. If you push yourself too hard, you will not be able to handle the workload and the quality of your work will suffer as a result. 

Picking The Wrong Major 

Picking your major is a big decision because you are essentially deciding what career path you want to follow. If you choose the wrong major, it can make things very difficult for you when you graduate because you may be qualified for a career that you don’t want to pursue. There are some ways around this, like doing more research into different job opportunities and trying out internships, but you really need to think hard about your major so you can make the right decision in the first place. 

It’s a good idea to try to get some real world job experience in your chosen field early on. This will help you to decide whether you want to pursue that career or whether you should look into your other options. If you are unsure, try to learn more about different careers and speak with a careers advisor to see what other options are out there.

Not Asking For Help 

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College can be a very tough time both academically, financially, and emotionally. For a lot of people, it is the first time living away from home on their own, and you may have trouble managing your finances. The stress can take a toll on your mental health as well, especially if you are struggling with your classes. Unfortunately, a lot of students do not ask for help when they need it because they worry that they will be judged. But you have to remember that your professors are there to help you when you need it so if you are struggling with your work, go and see them sooner rather than later and get the help that you need. If you are struggling with your mental health or your finances, there is support out there, so get in touch with student services and they will be able to help you. 

If you can avoid these common mistakes, you will get a lot more out of your college experience and be in a much better position to get jobs after you graduate.

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