Alternative Ways of Searching for Your Next Career

by Rich DeMatteo on March 20, 2015 · 1 comment

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New Career - Green Pushpin on a Map Background.

Most people will hit a snag at least once in their lives when it comes to their career and wonder if they are going in the right direction. If this sounds like you, never fear – there will always be somewhere to go to do something you love; you just need to find out exactly what that is. This can often be difficult, but if you end up finding your dream job, it will all be worth it in the end!


Going back to school might not be the first thing you think of when you think about a new job, but it might actually be the most beneficial step to take. Extra education can really go a long way to help you get that dream job, especially if you already have experience in a particular industry and you want to invest in and learn more about it. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, there are many colleges, such as Evocca College, that can help you achieve that goal. Do some research so you are sure about the college and the course you will be taking.

Job Fairs

Job fairs are another more unconventional way to look for your next position. They may not occur very often, but they are a great chance for you to present yourself to potential employers and maybe even get an interview on the spot. Attending a job fair will also give you a chance to take a look at and ask about other positions in different industries – who knows, you might find something that you didn’t even know you were looking for.


Networking is important for any kind of position, but it is even more important if you are looking for a new job. You will no doubt have many contacts from your current position and from previous workplaces, so use these to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family as well, because sometimes they might just be the ones who can help you the most.

Use Your Passion

Everyone is passionate about something, and in many cases, you can turn this into a business opportunity. This is, of course, most applicable to the creative industries, but you can also take this path even if you’re not creative at all. A successful executive can start offering coaching workshops to other up-and-coming salespeople, a teacher can start their own tutoring business… the possibilities are endless, so play to your strengths and your passions.

These are just some ways you can go about searching for your next career that don’t involve sitting in front of a computer all day scouring job sites. There are also other methods you can use, so if you don’t think any of these are really for you, do some extra research and find something you are comfortable with. Good luck!

How did you find your current position? Was it through a traditional or an alternative route? Are you looking for a new position at the moment? What have you found helpful? Leave your thoughts and advice down below.

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