How to Be a More Effective Business Manager

by Rich DeMatteo on June 23, 2021 · 1 comment

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In some ways, being a business manager is one of the toughest jobs out there. You have a responsibility to higher-ups at your company, those under your direct purview, as well as the company as a whole. It’s a delicate balancing act that will require you to work hard and make difficult choices on a regular basis. Fortunately, we’ve come up with a few key ways to help you become a more effective business manager going forward!

Be a Value Add

Most managers think about how they can motivate others to add value to a company. Usually, this involves training employees, overseeing projects, and generally ensuring that operations are running smoothly. While these responsibilities are vital for the company, they do not — in and of themselves — add value. Consequently, many employees whose responsibilities are more labor-intensive might feel a tinge of bitterness toward management that “doesn’t really do anything.”

What’s the solution? Find ways to be a value add for your company. In addition to the normal responsibilities of a manager, figure out new ways to bring value to the business. Perhaps you could spearhead a new project to bring in additional revenue or brainstorm ideas for smart investments. No matter what path you choose, just be sure to think outside the box and show your coworkers that you are a valuable asset!

Listen & Utilize New Information

Managers have a tendency to give the input of their “superiors” more weight than those of their underlings. While this makes sense, it doesn’t necessarily foster good relationships with all of your coworkers. It creates a hierarchy that can feel, at best awkward, and at worst, hostile. However, it’s not just about listening to everyone for the sake of creating a positive work environment; it’s also about doing what’s best for the company.

People who handle the day-to-day tasks that keep a business up and running often understand more about the business than top management. Consequently, their ideas and opinions matter. If you choose to ignore someone simply because of their job title, you could be missing out on huge opportunities to improve the company and foster quality professional relationships.

Take Care of Yourself

It may sound a bit cliche, but you can’t fulfill the responsibilities of a business manager without practicing some self-care. This doesn’t just mean getting the occasional massage or taking a vacation to destress. It also means taking care of your physical and mental health.

Obviously, diet and exercise are two great ways to keep yourself in peak condition. However, they may not be enough on their own. For example, many office workers struggle with weight issues due to long periods of sitting down in front of a computer. What’s the best solution? Get moving, of course! Getting up once an hour to take movement breaks is key. For additional information on losing weight, staying in shape, and getting the right balance of vitamins and nutrients, be sure to contact the experts at RCMC Medical Center!

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