How to Get a Job after the COVID-19 Crisis

by Rich DeMatteo on April 23, 2020

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The COVID-19 crisis has left a lot of people unemployed. For some, this period of unemployment is temporary and will resolve itself when the crisis has passed. For others, their role or place of employment no longer exists.

While emergency programming might bridge the gap for now, what happens after the crisis is over? Here are some helpful tips for how to get a job after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Set Short and Long-Term Goals

If there’s an upside to this terrible situation, it’s the perspective that many people have gained. This pandemic has forced a lot of people to take a deep dive into what they want out of their career, and their life after the crisis is over. 

Take some time to reflect and evaluate. Were you happy in your career? Are you feeling disillusioned about job security? Evaluate what you want in the short-term and long-term in regards to your career. For example, you might decide to pursue a different career path in the long-term while finding a short-term source of income. 

Consider Temporary Employment


For many people, the primary goal after the pandemic is to find a source of income. If you’re in a bad financial position, open yourself to the idea of taking on temporary employment. It might feel like you’re reliving your college days for a while, but know that millions of others are in the same boat.

Finding a temporary or part-time job can help you pay the bills and recoup some of your losses. You can pursue a temporary job while continuing to search for a more permanent solution.

Use the Right Job Search Tools

When engaging in a post-pandemic job search, think of yourself as a business. Rather than applying for jobs, you’re marketing yourself in the best possible light. This means tuning in to what makes you special and targeting the right “customer” for your employment. 

Start by using industry-specific job posting sites or sites like JobGet that sort by industry (try it out here). Rather than casting a wide net and hoping something bites, be specific in your targeting and craft your individual applications to that business. Think quality over quantity when applying for jobs after Coronavirus.

Refresh Your Resume

Before you head out into the job market, take time to refresh your resume. Ensure that it’s up-to-date with information about your employment before the world changed. Take time to research what people are looking for and see how you can highlight those skills.

Don’t forget to reach out to your previous employer for a reference. Many employers feel terrible about having to let people go during this unprecedented event. They will be more than willing to help you find something new.

Practice Your Interview Skills

It goes without saying that the competition will be fierce when the job market opens back up after COVID-19. Interviewing well can be the determining factor in whether you get the job or somebody else does. 

Go over your previous experience and highlight occurrences that could be used as examples during an interview. Rehearse your answers to commonly asked questions and practice in front of a mirror. If you struggle with interviewing or public speaking, consider working with a coach to help you overcome your challenges.

Use Your Network

Go beyond traditional job search methods and do some good old-fashion networking. Tell your social media audience that you’re looking for work, reach out to previous employers, and ask family members if they know of any opportunities.

This global event has people wanting to help others in any way possible. Use that to your advantage when searching for a new job, and consider how you can pay it forward.

The world after the COVID-19 crisis will be very different than the world we lived in before. Give yourself time and space to explore when job hunting after the pandemic.

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